Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Note From Our Area 62 Governor

Esteemed Officers of Toastmaster Clubs of Area 62,
Thanks! and Congratulations!! to our Area 62 Clubs for helping make our Spring Contest a successful event, an exciting event, a good memory.

What a good time for all Toastmasters who were able to attend. What a good experience for seasoned and new Toastmasters.

Thanks to your Clubs for sending capable, enthusiastic contestants. The speeches and speech evaluations were all excellent.

Thanks to you for your Club leadership which produced quality at Club levels and at this Area level for a good contest - party!

Thanks to all the Toastmasters, your Club members, who attended. What a good audience we had. What fun was had by all.

Thanks for all who supported in contest and performed in official and helping roles. It was a very participatory experience.

Thanks for for all who came early and stayed extra to help set-up and clean-up.
Thanks to all who contributed snacks and door prizes.

Thanks for your leadership in promoting Toastmasters, for modeling good Toastmaster leadership and for encouraging members to be at the contest.

Each of you has my respect in the Toastmaster leadership you are giving to your Clubs and are willing to share with others.

  • Thank you, Do Tell Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Holy Cross-Words Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Monument Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Silver Spring Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Toast USS Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Top Notch Toastmaster!

Thank you, all !!!!!!

A special Thank You to our leading District Officers who honored us with their presence and participation. That makes us feel even more special!

Thank you to the District Leadership Team has given valuable advice, guidance and support this year to help our Clubs, Area and District meet our goals.
Please share these thanks with your Club and with all your members who helped make this event so special.

What a pleasure it is to have this opportunity to work with you all.

Merlyn Kettering
Your proud Area 62 Governor

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