Saturday, November 20, 2010

Talk about REPRESENT!!

That's what these two gentlemen did fabulously last night in the District 36 Conference Table Topics Contest: CLARENCE FEATHERSON (okay, yes, *officially* representing another of his clubs . . . ) taking FIRST PLACE!! and MEL BAYO, representing Silver Spring Toastmasters Club 1314!!, taking THIRD!!

The Table Topics question: "What person, excluding members of your immediate family, has had the biggest impact on your life?" It was a dream question to this autobiography/biography aficionado . . . a love I imagine many of us in Toastmasters share. All six respondents were eloquent, interesting, moving. But Clarence regaled, in his inimitable fashion, with his account of his first supervisor, who taught him ATTITUDE--Attitude is all! No matter how down, down, DOWN (to the platform he was, last night, remembering it--can't you just see him?) you can pick yourself up and emerge victorious! And Mel, in his own irrepressible fashion, told us of Father Aloysius, I believe ("Society of Jesus, no less!") who, in teaching Mel he could bring his Freshman Algebra grade from barely passing to excelling, taught him that with PERSEVERANCE he could excel in anything he put his mind to.

Guys, your performances--and your very presence--in that contest last night (and all you do in and outside Toastmasters) demonstrate how well you've carried those lessons with you throughout your lives. BRAVO!!

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