Saturday, July 21, 2012

Club 1314 Does it Again


Let me tell you if you missed last night’s Toastmasters meeting, I just want to let you know that you missed a great meeting. Silver Spring Toastmaster 1314 did it again.

First the mini storm had me wondering if there would be a meeting, would we have power? would there be down trees and power lines surrounding Marvin Memorial? would we have to swim to get there?  Then the rain stopped and there was still power around four corners and we proceeded with our meeting.  

A few highlights;

·        Mike Nolan as always did a fantastic job as TMOE, he pulled it all together so that we all enjoyed the meeting
·        Congrats to Mike Nolan on his Life Time Achievement Award, this a special award given to Mike for his tireless commitment to Toastmasters
·        Congrats to Una Kettering on her award as Division Governor of the Year
·        Congrats to Mel Bayo on his award as Area Governor of the Year
·        Four great and informative speeches, thanks Una, Assegid, Fiona and Clarence
      Merlyn's  unique approach on Table Topics had us all thinking about Toastmasters
·        Fiona completed her 10th speech last night and in a few days will be known as Fiona Morrissey, CC
·        Clarence is on his way to Orlando, FL next month to compete at the Internal Convention,  Good Luck Clarence
·        We had our new Area Governor in attendance at the meeting, Welcome Andrea Tolbert
·        Welcome our newest Toastmaster Yanique Redwood.  Yanique has already signed up for an agenda role for our next meeting, YEAH!

The snacks was very healthy, except for the oatmeal and raisins cookies, wait a minute, there was oatmeal and there was sraisins, in my book that qualifys as a snack healthy also!

A special thank you to all the Super Sports and you know who you are!

Alright now that you see what you missed, don’t miss the next meeting, August 1st, the agenda is already posted and roles are being filled as we speak, do not miss this opportunity to get your speeches in, there is a lot to tell us about, Did you lose power in the storm?  How was your 4th of July?  Did you catch the bouquet at the wedding? Are you getting married soon?  Tell us your stories they make great speeches 

Oh one more thing our Club Contest is just around the corner,  Table Topics and Humorous Speeches, stay tuned for the date and don't be late.

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