Sunday, January 30, 2011

Join Us for Silver Spring Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation Club Contests!

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters!

Get ready, because great things will be happening at Silver Spring #1314 on February 16, 2011!!!

That is the date of our International Speech and Evaluation Club Contests!!!

Every past competitor will agree that contests are a perfect way to grow skills and confidence RAPIDLY. So everyone who has completed at least 6 speeches in the Competent Communicators Manual is encouraged to have fun and stretch themselves by entering our Club's International Speech Contest!

Actually, now is the time to reply with your intentions to enter one or both contests.

On the organizational side, we will need:

  • Contest Master
  • Chief Judge
  • Judges (5)
  • Timers (2)
  • Ballot Counter
  • Snacks
  • Beverages
Club Contests are a fabulous opportunity to showcase the individual and collective BRILLIANCE that is Silver Spring #1314, let’s EVERYONE attend!

Also, if you have any friends or associates who are contemplating Toastmasters this will be a great way for them to witness our club at the tip-top of its game!

Prepare to be ROCKED by the tremendous speeches and evaluations on February 16 as we select Club Contestants to move on to the area contest.

Whether you are a longtime or brand new Toastmaster we NEED and APPRECIATE your contribution to our club's vitality! Please contact David Buresh with your intention to compete or help run the contests as soon as you're done reading this!

Make Your Dreams Take Flight!

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