Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Area 62 Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests

Silver Spring Toastmasters......

You've GOT to be there!

The District 36, Division F Area 62

Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contests

Here's the details.......

September 18, 2011 3-5pm
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church

Doors for Set Up 2pm
Registration Begins 2:30pm
Briefings 2:45pm

Ignite Your Potential......See YOU There!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

We have . . . TWO WINNERS!

Congratulations to the winners of our Silver Spring Toastmasters Club 1314 Table Topics and Humorous Speech contests . . . and Bravo/a to all those who participated!

Six contestants came forward for Table Topics, conducted into the room one by one by our Sergeant-at-Arms Robin Bradshaw. Contest Master Merlyn Kettering presented each with the thought-provoking query: What person from the past, present, or imagined future would you most like to meet, and why? We enjoyed thought-filled responses from Andy Jacobs, Drew Kolody, Mary Olowofoyeku, Renee Davis, and Fiona Morrissey . . . and CLARENCE FEATHERSON, whose intriguing two-minute account of the pioneering life of America's first African-American female physician garnered the most votes from our judges.

It was exciting to have three of our newer club members--each of whom has joined within the last year--entertain us with well-prepared Humorous Speech entries. Andy Jacobs, Drew Kolody--double entrants both!--really had us chuckling! But in the end it was SHIRLEY JARVIS, drawing us in with a tale that began darkly--like, really darkly--and then delightfully lightened right up, who emerged as our judges' top choice.

Thanks to Merlyn, and Chief Judge Mike Nolan, our judges, and everyone who enjoyed a fun and enlightening evening as they supported our contestants.

Congratulations, Clarence and Shirley!! We are pleased and proud that you will represent our club in the Area 62 Table Topics and Humorous Speech Contest at 2 p.m. on Sunday, September 18, at Takoma Park Presbyterian.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

First meeting full of verve and vigor!

Thanks again, everyone who participated, for kicking off our new Silver Spring Toastmasters year con BRIO last Wednesday evening!

We lived up to that excellent Word of the Evening that Renee Davis shared with us--so much so that most of the photos I snapped came out a blur! (Likely there's an iPhone setting to take care of that . . . will explore further, or try taking video next time! :)

Featured here is the sole posed photo--of 2011-12 Silver Spring Toastmasters Club 1314 officers Pauline Brown, VP Education; Desiree Payne, VP Membership; Maxiine Blanks, VP Public Relations; Andy Jacobs, Secretary; Mike Nolan, Treasurer; Shirley Jarvis, Sergeant-at-Arms; and me, Joan Phillips, President--snapped by Merlyn following our installation by immediate Past President, Mel Bayo.

Fittingly, our leadoff meeting featured some new developments . . .
  • See the NEW ORANGE NAME TAGS? If you're a member who wasn't able to attend, you'll find one waiting for you at the door at the next meeting. No more hand-scribbled stick-on throwaways, thanks to Shirley!
  • Why orange? We introduced OUR NEW CLUB COLOR: ORANGE--a powerful color evocative of activity, fun, socialization, and . . .
  • Our 2011-12 CLUB MOTTO: IGNITE YOUR POTENTIAL! as well as member and District Governor Barry Piatt's District 36 motto, BE THE SPARK! and member and Division Governor Una Mae Kettering's Division F motto, FIRE UP!
We also enjoyed some new twists . . .

. . . (and a lot of laughs) as our creative respondents, including William Aley, rose to Table Topics Master Mike Nolan's challenge to concoct a story leading up to the "moral of" he provided them.

. . . as Master Evaluator (and new Area 62 Governor) Mel Bayo expanded on the three excellent evaluations with insightful pointers of his own . . . foreshadowing the You Too Can Become a Great Evaluator theme you'll find at many of our meetings this year.

As always . . .

. . . The meeting featured admirable preparation and delivery by our Toastmaster of the Evening (Pauline).

. . . We were treated to informative and inspired speeches: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short & Simple) by Maxine, who did!; "Medicaid's Nursing Home Benefit" by Henry Nash (many notes taken); and "We've Got Talents" by Las Vegas International Speech Contest bound Eldon Ralph (GO ELDON!).

. . . Our speakers, and each of us, benefited from perceptive, well articulated evaluations (by Andy Jacobs, Eniola Olowofoyeku, and Merlyn Kettering).

. . . We also received valuable feedback from our Timer (Robin Bradshaw), Grammarian/ Wizard of Ahs (Hoan Dang), and Listener (Shirley Jarvis).

. . . And, of course, we enjoyed great refreshments (thanks to Fiona Morrissey, Marcia Snyder, Una and Merlyn, and other contributors).

Looking forward to seeing you on WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, everybody!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Get to Know the Great Leader Inside You!

Fellow Silver Spring Toastmasters,

It has been a fun year full of growth opportunities for all and high achievement for our club as a whole. I personally thank and commend every member of #1314 for their contribution to our joint success in the 2010-11 Toastmaster year.

You’ve been the embodiment of our club’s tagline: Together We’ve Soared!!!

Want to soar even higher?

Get to know the Great Leader inside you better. Be a Silver Spring Toastmasters club officer in the 2011-12 Toastmaster year!

I can clearly remember my first #1314 meeting in March of 2008. As I walked in the door I was FULL of trepidation. This was a room FULL of accomplished speakers and leaders, what could I bring to the table?

But as the meeting was about to begin, the Sergeant at Arms greeted me with a welcoming smile and introduced himself. Without the safety net he provided my first meeting experience wouldn’t have been the same. That gentleman went on to become Vice President of Education, President and is now our Area 62 Governor. You know him well: Merlyn Kettering.

I was also struck by the eloquence and grace of the club President that evening. She was engaging energetic and, above all, full of encouragement for each member who performed a role and for the club as a whole. She became Area 62 Governor in 2009-10 and is our incoming Division F Governor. You know her well too: Una Kettering.

One of the speakers that night delivered a 7 minute speech with no notes. That was amazing to me! What presence, what casual confidence and WHAT A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! So that’s what a decade or so of taking on Toastmasters speaking and leadership opportunities can do for you. That gentleman was Division F Governor, went on to be Lieutenant Governor of Marketing, Lieutenant Governor of Education and Training and is our incoming District 36 Governor: Barry Piatt.

There are NUMEROUS additional examples of OUTSTANDING Toastmasters Leadership in our club’s history (to those not mentioned here: sorry for holding true to tri-partite structure) and the three described above were chosen so you could convince yourself not only of the importance of taking on club officer roles but the many benefits you’ll enjoy when you do so.

And please understand: those benefits are available to you regardless of how long you’ve been a club member. EVERY great Toastmaster Leader began with their first meeting. In fact, it’s great when new members decide to take on a club officer role right from the start!

To that end: It’s time to nominate club officers for the new Toastmaster year which begins in July.

Please be sure to attend our next meeting which will begin at 6:45 (in order to accommodate the club officer nomination proceedings) and will be followed immediately by our regularly scheduled club meeting from 7:30-9:30.

Also, please visit the Toastmasters International website beforehand to get an understanding of what each of the club officer roles entails.

Get to know the Great Leader inside you!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters: The Resolve to Win by Pauline Brown

Mel Bayo and Eldon Ralph, you are truly quintessential communicators!

Silver Spring 1314 salutes you and shares the sentiments. You competed among six of the best speakers and earned first place in your respective contests. By your sterling performances, you have certainly set the standards higher.


Winning at the May 2011 District 36 International Speech and Evaluation Contests was indeed a by product of their unwavering persistence, focused hard work, and the resolve to win.!

Mel and Eldon shared these common denominators of success!

In his response to the question, “Are you ready for the Evaluation Contest?", Mel said in a rather calm and confident manner, “I am going to have fun, and I am going to deliver my BEST 3-minute evaluation speech ever!”

Not surprisingly, Eldon remarked prior to the start of the International Speech Contest that, “This will be my LAST speech contest—at the District level!”

The resolve to win was clear!

The inimitable Mel Bayo stepped out on center stage. Right away his keen listening skills were evident. The audience knew that his three main focus points for the evaluation of Wilson Rumble’s Test Speech titled, “Peeps Value” were: storytelling, structure, and premise.

Mel had a style. He was sharp—his attire was demonstrative of success!

He exuded confidence, boldness, and charisma. Mel’s gestures and use of speaking area were right on. He commended the Test Speaker’s use of story-telling with dramatic pauses throughout the speech. He spoke directly to the Test Speaker, but also maintained reasonable eye contact with the audience.

Mel identified values in the speech, and created the right balance by providing suggestions for improvement. Among his suggestions for improvement, he encouraged the speaker to make his premise and personal values clear. His job as an evaluator was well done. He validated the speaker.

Yes indeed, Mel delivered his BEST 3-minute evaluation speech!

Eldon’s speech titled, “You’ve Got Talents” was inspirational. It was clear from his speech that he had the benefit early, of becoming aware of his innate talents and abilities. He carefully navigated his path to success by focusing on using his natural talents as frequently as possible in environments that best rewarded them—He joined Toastmasters!

If Eldon’s innate abilities could be seen as a well-make cake, then Toastmasters was certainly the icing. He employed all the elements of speech-craft and delivery! How could one ever forget his amazing and humorous use of vocal variety? Eldon’s pace as he “navigated” the speaking area, was calculated and rhythmic. This served to enhance his transition as he moved through the speech.

The conclusion was memorable! As he charged the audience to celebrate their talents his final set of gestures illuminated the stage. It was awesome! The applause was sustained, with a subtle jubilant tone as Eldon Ralph did the Do-Si-Do that signaled the end of his speech—his LAST speech at the District level!

Actor, Richard Cline summed up the success strategy best when he said, “Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control.” Our winners were prepared to win!

Mel and Eldon, you are the “Spark!” Best of luck as you continue to reflect your light.

Eldon, your friends and family at Silver Spring 1314 look forward to seeing you electrify the audience as you compete in the August 2011 World Championship of Public Speaking in Las Vegas!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters Meeting Summary April 20, 2011 by Pauline Brown

”Tulips are at their perennial best in ideal conditions!“ This was the response given by flowers expert, Frans Roozen, to the ever pressing horticultural puzzle, “Why don’t tulips always behave as perennials?”

April 20th was heyday for Silver Spring 1314! Live, beautiful, flowering tulips “decked” the meeting room, and the agenda in its flowery splendor was a special rendition of Kim Crews’ creativity. It was little wonder then, that the word of the meeting was blossom—an intransitive verb.

As if May flowers burst forth ahead of the April showers, all 21 attendees, including two returning guests, were at their perennial best! This particular meeting must have been the kind of experience that motivated Doris Lessing, British writer, to say, “Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capabilities simply by being given the opportunity to do so.”

Like proud eagles in flight, attendees harnessed every opportunity and every challenge to soar higher and higher. No one dared to lose the momentum. Each leadership and each speaking role was a stellar performance!

Kim Crews, in her role as TMOE was a delight—a real pace-setter! There was no question as to whether she prepared for this role. She added value in a variety of ways. From her introduction of each leader/speaker we learned of their particular affinity to flowers. The secret’s out! Joan Phillip’s charming personality lies in her genes—her father was an amateur horticulturist, and she is particularly fond of pink tulips!

There were double-bloomers too! Merlyn assumed the role of Sgt-at-Arms and also gave a speech, while Joan Phillips graciously presided as President, and was also Table Topics Master. Eldon was Master Evaluator, and volunteered at last minute to fill one of the role as speech evaluator.

Table Topics was a blast! From the Quote Garden (website) Joan Phillips rolled out quotes dating back as far as the 16th century. Remember literary/poetic favorites such Dickens, Shakespeare, Herbert, and Browning? Like a champion, Desiree Payne ‘danced’ verbally for about two minutes to the tune of the unfamiliar Shakespeare quote, “Oh, how the spring of love resembles the uncertain glory of an April day.” Great impromptu speech Desiree!

The three speeches were inspirational and powerful!

Merlyn Kettering spoke first—from the heart. Transitioning from his powerful and appropriate opening, “It’s not just flowers that blossom, people do too,” he unfolded in an almost solemn manner, his Rite of Passage. Can you guess the Rite of Passage that is associated with: socks and shoes taken off, towel draped around his waist, a basin (of water?), and a chair? Yes, the Ordinance of Feet-washing it is! We saw the magic of using props to add character and value to a speech—a firsthand illustration of true humility, and another opportunity to know Merlyn better!

Una-Mae Kettering ‘s speech titled, “My Path” provided much food for thought. She methodically and skillfully used the analogy of a waiter to inspire us to reach out and serve others. Could it be that this analogy also bore the underlying principle upon which Una planned and executed her path to growth as a Toastmaster? Let’s spread our wings and soar with her to greater heights!

“Setting the Tone” was Barry Piatt’s speech title. This was packed with powerful punches. One of them was his very personal and compelling story as a 9-year old, and the brilliant action that he took—that set the tone for his career as an adult. It was clear that with Barry’s wealth of knowledge, experience, and dedication as a Toastmaster, he is poised for control of the lectern and gavel at a higher level. See Barry in action at the District 36 Convention next week!

In his usual confident manner, Eldon Ralph led the evaluation segment of the meeting. Every attendee participated! Pauline Brown and Shirley Jarvis evaluated the first and second speeches respectively. The third required a round-robin evaluation. It was great hearing the many perspectives as to what worked and suggestions for improvement of Barry’s speech.

Another key component of the meeting, the reports, were provided by:

Mike Nolan – Timer, Marcia Snyder – Grammarian/Ah counter, and Fiona Morrissey – Listener’s report.

Social Time is special at Silver Spring 1314. Much gratitude went to Mike Nolan and Shirley Jarvis for providing delicious snacks.

In their concluding remarks, the Master Evaluator and President (acting) both agreed that the meeting was another well-spent time of fun and sharing!

Come soar with us at our next meeting!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Division F International Speech and Evaluation Contests - AND THE WINNERS Pauline Brown

Three Cheers, Silver Spring 1314!!!

Eldon Ralph and Mel Bayo have done it once more--They have done us proud, and have claimed the FIRST PLACE TROPHIES!

The international Speech Contest was as inspirational as it was entertaining. With his speech title, "You've Got Talent," Eldon held the audience captive as he showcased all the elements of speech craft and delivery. He had stage-center, left, and right well defined, and he certainly spared no opportunity in rolling out vocal variety with appropriate gestures. He evoked furrowed brows at times, laughter at other times, and bobbing heads throughout. Eldon, you've got talent!

Mel Bayo's evaluation of Liz Porter's Test Speech, titled, "Doors and Windows" was indeed a mini-speech of of high class! It was clear that speech-mastery is transferable--the structure was well defined, and he transitioned well from one part to the next. Most notable was his conclusion. Mel's listening skills, coupled with mastery of delivery elevated his performance clearly above the rest. Mel's evaluation was a incontestable winner!

Silver Spring 1314, this is history, and this is big! Let's follow our winners to the next level!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters Wins the Area 62 International Speech and Evaluation Contests by Mike Nolan

Dear valued member of Silver Spring Toastmasters Club 1314–

A large number of you were at the Area 62 International Speech and Evaluation Contests held on Sunday, March 13th. Many thanks for your support!

Those of you who missed that event will be pleased to hear that Eldon won our Area 62 International Speech Contest and Mel won our Area 62 Evaluation Contest.

Here is a photo of our two contest winners and our Area 62 Governor Merlyn Kettering who, with help from Silver Spring club and Area club members, held an exciting and memorable event.

Eldon and Mel will compete next at the Division F Contests. Please be sure to mark it on your calendar. Here are the details.....

Division F International Speech and Evaluations Contests
Montgomery County Executive Office Building Auditorium
101 Monroe Street, Rockville Maryland
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Doors Open 3:30pm
Contestant Briefing 3:45pm
Contest: 4-7pm

Come out and support our club representatives in their bid to compete in the May District 36 Finals!

Come Soar With Us!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Note From Our Area 62 Governor

Esteemed Officers of Toastmaster Clubs of Area 62,
Thanks! and Congratulations!! to our Area 62 Clubs for helping make our Spring Contest a successful event, an exciting event, a good memory.

What a good time for all Toastmasters who were able to attend. What a good experience for seasoned and new Toastmasters.

Thanks to your Clubs for sending capable, enthusiastic contestants. The speeches and speech evaluations were all excellent.

Thanks to you for your Club leadership which produced quality at Club levels and at this Area level for a good contest - party!

Thanks to all the Toastmasters, your Club members, who attended. What a good audience we had. What fun was had by all.

Thanks for all who supported in contest and performed in official and helping roles. It was a very participatory experience.

Thanks for for all who came early and stayed extra to help set-up and clean-up.
Thanks to all who contributed snacks and door prizes.

Thanks for your leadership in promoting Toastmasters, for modeling good Toastmaster leadership and for encouraging members to be at the contest.

Each of you has my respect in the Toastmaster leadership you are giving to your Clubs and are willing to share with others.

  • Thank you, Do Tell Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Holy Cross-Words Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Monument Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Silver Spring Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Toast USS Toastmasters!
  • Thank you, Top Notch Toastmaster!

Thank you, all !!!!!!

A special Thank You to our leading District Officers who honored us with their presence and participation. That makes us feel even more special!

Thank you to the District Leadership Team has given valuable advice, guidance and support this year to help our Clubs, Area and District meet our goals.
Please share these thanks with your Club and with all your members who helped make this event so special.

What a pleasure it is to have this opportunity to work with you all.

Merlyn Kettering
Your proud Area 62 Governor

Monday, March 14, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters Meeting Summary March 2, 2011 by Pauline Brown

While the giant, golden, 24-foot-high statue was nowhere in sight in room 204, and the carpet was not exactly red, a rather illustrious and prestigious atmosphere prevailed.

Twenty-seven (27) stars, including nine (9) guest-stars were present at the Silver Spring 1314 meeting on March 2nd. As if memories of Oscar Night, just a few days past, were still alive in everyone’s mind, there was sense of excitement. Sgt-at-Arms, Louise Janus, set the tone for the meeting as she alluded to the Oscars, and the meeting progressed in a kind of “epic” fashion.

David Buresh traded his VP-Education hat for the presidential hat, in the absence Mel Bayo, the Club’s president. In true Toastmasters leadership style, coupled with David’s own adaptability, the meeting was lead well, and with ease! Kudos to you, David!

Just a sneak-peak at our guest list: With thanks and commendation to Mike Nolan, our guests included two Silver Spring 1314 past presidents from 1980’s--Stan Lum, president 1980, and Michael Wolfe, president 1984. Stan’s invitees were Glen, Juan, and Jamie—all affiliated with the organization called NOAH. Did you miss Stan’s explanation of the acronym, “NOAH?”

Continuing with the guest list: Lisa Covi, and Gerald Crawford, secretary and president respectively of Monument Toastmasters; Mike Rilee, Area 62 Lt. Gov. Marketing, and president of Do Tell Toastmasters, and Issa, who became our newest member that night. Welcome Issa!

In Shirley Jarvis’ debut leadership role of TMOE, she recalled the Ides of March, a festival celebrating the god of Mars. How fitting! In our own rights, we were celebrating yet another grand time of great leadership, brilliant speeches, and fun-filled interaction. Shirley’s role bore evidence of preparation and a quest for quality.

Una-Mae Kettering assumed the role of Table Topics at last minute, and did a fantastic job! She invited participants to stretch their imagination, loosen-up, and recall favorite memories, mostly from childhood at knee-high. This theme brought out some of the funniest responses. Among the favorites was one from Gerald Crawford. Of the wide variety of fruits with which we are blessed, he imagined himself being a watermelon. Just imagine a great big watermelon falling from several feet high, and breaking into numerous pieces—juice, color, seeds, and all—how many lives would be touched! Really funny, Gerald!

No Oscar statuettes were handed our, but we were entertained by three brilliant, enlightening and entertaining speeches:

Andy Jacobs’ superbly delivered speech, titled: “Should you Change” brought back memories of the old TV game show, a favorite, and counter-intuitive, “Let’s Make a Deal.” Like Monty Hall, the illustrious host, Andy delivered a powerful dose of nostalgia as he achieved the objectives of Project #3. He employed the techniques of speech craft, and sincerity in delivery. Most notably, he did not use notes, and he got to the point! Good job, Andy!

What a treat it was to listen and watch as Maxine Blanks juxtaposed “Crown Jewel,” her speech title, with the Oscars. She then proceeded to edify the group of the Washington Area “Crown Jewels.” The Kennedy Center, the Opera House, and Eisenhower Center for the Performing Arts were all named and illustrated with descriptive language such as grandeur, magnificent, majestic, and spectacular. Oh, and who could forget her props, especially a replica of a shawl worn by Anne Hathaway! Keep the great speeches coming, Maxine!

Merlyn Kettering, Area 62 Governor, captivated the audience. The elements of advanced speech craft and delivery were very evident as he unbundled the mystery in the title: “A Friend, a Mountain.”

With compliments to Louise Janus and Desiree Payne, Social Time was a welcome break—we spared no time in interacting with our guests.

With Joan Phillips as Master Evaluator, this important segment of the meeting really “crowned” it all. Speech evaluators, David Buresh, Pauline Brown, and Mike Nolan all lived up to expectations in providing feedback for the great speeches. The ever-so-important roles of Timer, Grammarian/Ah Counter, and Listener were done by Kim Crews, Craig Schaar, and Tiffany Montero. The degree of listening skills and attention to detail that were noted in the delivery reports were very much appreciated

To help savor the memories of another great meeting, our guests shared their positive impressions of the meeting. Lt-Gov, Mike Rilee congratulated the Club for being the first to achieve President’s Distinguished!

Did you know, that during Past President Michael Wolfe’s 1984 Presidency, he arrived so early for the meeting, that he took advantage of the time and availability of a certain very important book. He read that book in its entirety. Which book was that?

Silver Spring Toastmasters Club 1314 invite you to soar with us!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Your Support Needed at the Area 62 International Speech and Evaluation Contests

Fellow Toastmasters.....Here is a short note from our Area Governor requesting assistance at our Area 62 Contests this upcoming Sunday.

Please note the change in schedule below. The contest begins one hour earlier than published in our last post from February 27th. The Contests are scheduled to take place from 2pm to 4:30pm on Sunday March 13.

Also please contact Mel Bayo or David Buresh by email by the end of the day Friday March 11 with your commitment to participate in any of the roles outlined below.

Our club has always been HUGE in attending and supporting Area contests so we hope to see YOU there this weekend!


Esteemed Officers to Toastmasters Clubs in Area 62,

I am writing to urge you you to invite and encourage attendance of your Club members to our Area 62 Spring Contest.

Come!! Let's make this a real treat for or contestants, our clubs, our guests.

Please note that contestants and contest team members are asked to come at 1:45pm for briefing.

Area 62 Spring Toastmaster Contest – International Speech Contest & Speech Evaluation Contest

Sunday March 13, 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church
310 Tulip Avenue (corner of Tulip and Maple Avenue)
Takoma Park, MD 20912

This is a great opportunity for all Clubs and all club members. Your Club Contestants benefit.
Members who play supporting roles learn and benefit. Let’s make this an enjoyable event for all.

Working together, helps us all make our dreams will take flight!

We need support from your Club for the Area Spring Contest. Please send me names of your Club members for the following roles:

1) Names of your Club Contestants for

International Speech Contest: ______________________________
Speech Evaluation Contest: ___­­­­­­­­­___________________________

2) Qualified member(s) - at least 1 person from each Club - to help with judging roles
(i.e., preferably someone with CC or at least 6 speeches and evaluations):

Name: __________________________________

3) Club members to assist with hosting and support roles such as greeting, service, set-up, etc.
(at least one person from each Club, and a second person, if available.)

Name: __________________________________
Name: __________________________________

We are also asking each Club to assist with snack refreshments by providing at least 2 savory and/or sweet snacks to complement snacks and drinks that are provided for the Contest.

Please let me know about the snack refreshments that will be provided by someone in your Club:

Savory snack/dishes: _________________ ______________________
Sweet snack/dishes: __________________ _____________________

We also ask each Club to provide one (1) door prize ... something simple and surprising is sufficient.

We count on you and your Club to help make this Area Spring Contest an enjoyable and learning Toastmasters event.

Please distribute copies of the Contest Brochure (attached) to inform and encourage members to attend the Spring Contest.

Thank you!! for your participation, contributions and encouragement!!


Merlyn Kettering
Area 62 Governor

Sunday, February 27, 2011

International Speech and Evaluation Club Contest Winners!!!

And the winners are........


A special thanks goes out to......

  • Una Mae Kettering our Contest Master
  • Joan Phillips the Chief Judge and....
  • Clarence Featherson who volunteered as Test Speaker

Of course Timers, Ballot Counter and Judges all made important contributions as well.

Now for the contest results.....

International Speech Contest

  1. Eldon Ralph
  2. Mel Bayo

Evaluation Contest

  1. Mel Bayo
  2. Desiree Payne

Now on to the next level of competition!!!

Club #1314 member presence and contribution have always been big at all levels of District 36 contests, so be sure to support our Area and cheer on our club representatives at.......

The Area 62 International Speech and Evaluations Contests
Sunday March 13, 2011
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church
310 Tulip Avenue Takoma Park, MD
Registration Begins 2:30pm
Contest Begins 3:00pm

Come Soar With Us!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters: First President's Distinguished Club in District 36!!!

Congratulations Silver Spring Toastmasters!!!

Ours is the first club out of 200 in District 36 to attain......

President's Distinguished

for the 2010-11 Toastmaster year.

A big thank you goes out to every member for all your hard work and support.

It's YOUR dedication and caring that makes our club the enthusiastic and tight knit family it is!!!

Only two more Competent Communicator Awards and we have our PERFECT 10......

Who's up for the challenge?

Come Soar With Us!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters Meeting Summary January 19, 2011 by Pauline Brown

If I could substitute one word in the idiomatic expression, “All’s well that ends well,” it would then read, “All’s well that starts well!”

The January 19th meeting started well as our Sgt.-at-Arms, Louise J, shared her dream of her speeches being clear, competent, concise, and crisp! This is the high note on which the ever enthusiastic President Mel Bayo announced that our Club recently achieved Toastmaster's Distinguished award and could achieve an additional distinction that very evening (Select Distinguished).

As if announcing another award, TMOE, Eldon Ralph’s posted the word of the day, “erudite.” This was a proud moment, as we learned that so many of the male members (…and ladies too) were characterized by erudition.

One of the intriguing responses to Robin Bradshaw’s Table Topics theme, “New Beginnings” was that of one of our visitors. If he could change one thing, he would inspire the art of listening—“a willingness to listen to each other, person to person, and country to country!”

With much thanks to Maxine Blanks and Fiona Morrissey for providing refreshments, all 20 attendees, including two visitors engaged in the 15-minute social time.

Just a nugget from each of the four speeches:

  • Kim Crews explained that her theme of the year was the “Daffodil Principle” –learning to achieve our goals one step at a time.
  • Desiree Payne’s persuasive punch was that we could enhance our leadership qualities by serving others in the community.
  • Mel Bayo challenged us to make time to develop a speech. He said that, “Getting up to speak is more than half the battle—get up!”
  • Mary Olowofoyeku engaged us from start to finish as she employed all the storytelling elements to entertain while delivering the moral that “In life there are certain things we are required to do.”

Master Evaluator, Mike Nolan with his wealth of Toastmasters knowledge and experience moderated the evaluation process. Kerron Kalloo, Joan Phillips, Pauline Brown and a fourth Evaluator provided well deserved and useful feedback to each speaker.

Andy Jacobs, one of our newest members provided the timers report in true “techy” style. Can you imagine delivering a speech in six hundred thousand milliseconds?

Our Grammarian/Ah Counter was Merlyn Kettering, and Listener, Fiona Morrissey.

Another great meeting ended well!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Join Us for Silver Spring Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation Club Contests!

Greetings Fellow Toastmasters!

Get ready, because great things will be happening at Silver Spring #1314 on February 16, 2011!!!

That is the date of our International Speech and Evaluation Club Contests!!!

Every past competitor will agree that contests are a perfect way to grow skills and confidence RAPIDLY. So everyone who has completed at least 6 speeches in the Competent Communicators Manual is encouraged to have fun and stretch themselves by entering our Club's International Speech Contest!

Actually, now is the time to reply with your intentions to enter one or both contests.

On the organizational side, we will need:

  • Contest Master
  • Chief Judge
  • Judges (5)
  • Timers (2)
  • Ballot Counter
  • Snacks
  • Beverages
Club Contests are a fabulous opportunity to showcase the individual and collective BRILLIANCE that is Silver Spring #1314, let’s EVERYONE attend!

Also, if you have any friends or associates who are contemplating Toastmasters this will be a great way for them to witness our club at the tip-top of its game!

Prepare to be ROCKED by the tremendous speeches and evaluations on February 16 as we select Club Contestants to move on to the area contest.

Whether you are a longtime or brand new Toastmaster we NEED and APPRECIATE your contribution to our club's vitality! Please contact David Buresh with your intention to compete or help run the contests as soon as you're done reading this!

Make Your Dreams Take Flight!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Your Toastmaster Club's Blog is Like a Restaurant by Mel Bayo

Because different people's tastes vary, most restaurants you visit have a menu.

Yes, restaurants are generally known for their specialties, but they almost always offer their patrons choices of what to eat.

Make sure your club blog is like a restaurant and the content categories resemble a menu. Give your followers a choice of what to consume.

First identify your club’s goals. Of course, most clubs focus on member recruitment and retention.

Both of these goals are achieved through identifying and addressing the needs of current members (customer base) and future members (prospects).

And while Toastmasters focuses on speaking and leadership growth opportunities, individual members display varying levels of skill in these two areas.

The success of your marketing effort through this medium rests on your ability to identify these skill levels then define and address the needs of the members (current and future) at each skill level.

Once this is done YOUR WHOLE CLUB can develop content that is relevant and engaging for members.

Be sure to visit Silver Spring Toastmasters Blog again soon when we'll discuss some of these skill levels and identify topics you can use to engage your club members in each group.

Until then, remember to.....

Come Soar With Us!!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Silver Spring Toastmasters Attains 2 DCP Goals! by Mel Bayo

Congratulations to all Silver Spring Toastmasters!

The EXCITEMENT throughout our club is infectious and everyone's hard work and dedication are paying off!

YOUR efforts are evidenced by the fact that our club reached both Distinguished and Select Distinguished status just 7 months into the 2010-11 Toastmaster year!

For perspective take note that this year just 6 clubs of the 200 in our District have accomplished this feat so quickly!

The goals we have achieved so far are:

  1. 2 Competent Communicator Awards
  2. 1 Advanced Communicator Award (ACG)
  3. A Second Advanced Communicator Award (ACB)
  4. 1 Leadership Award (CL)
  5. A Second Leadership Award (DTM)
  6. 4 New Members
  7. 4 Officers (at least) Attending both Fall and Winter TLI (we're going for a Dream Team in each session)
  8. 2 Club Reports received on time

Now all we need are.....

  • 2 more New Members and
  • 2 more Competent Communicator Awards

In order to round out a PERFECT 10 for the 2010-11 Toastmaster year!

We can do it #1314!!!

And by the way, due to these and other stellar achievements this year, Silver Spring Toastmasters is also eligible for our District's Club Excellence Award.

You'll hear more about it soon right here on Silver Spring Toastmasters Blog!

Want to get in on the EXCITEMENT?

Visit our club on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month and......

Come Soar With Us!!!